DB Error 1 unrecognized token

Sqlite Error



错误日志截图 screen NSString *sql_select = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“select * from %@ where uid = %@ and dev_id = %@",TBNAME_User_Dev, uid, device.nameOrAddress];

screen 原代码是这样写的。解决方法是在 uid , dev_id 的两个参数 上 加上 单引号(这两个是字符类型变量)。

NSString *sql_select = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“select * from %@ where uid = ‘%@’ and dev_id = ‘%@’ “,TBNAME_User_Dev, uid, device.nameOrAddress];

screen 倘若使用这种方法写,就不需要加 引号了。这种使用 ? 问号的,就没有碰到这种问题。

NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“insert into %@(uid, dev_id, created_at, status) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",TBNAME_User_Dev];

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